تفسير الزهراوين (Pdf)

This book provides a pedagogical, evocative, contemporary, and realistic interpretation of Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-Imran, facilitating contemplation of the Book of God, benefiting from its verses, and living with the Quran. It connects the Quran to the reality of people’s lives and is written in a clear and accessible style that combines authenticity with modernity, making it suitable for all segments of society.

16.20$ 8.10$

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The interpretation, learning, and teaching of the Holy Quran are among the noblest endeavors to which time and resources can be dedicated. Those who engage in these pursuits are like crowns upon heads and like the sun to the world.

The Holy Quran is the word of God Almighty, His revelation to His Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and His message to His creation.

It is well-known that books of Quranic interpretation have become numerous, detailed, concise, and varied in their approaches and methodologies.

This book provides a pedagogical, evocative, contemporary, and realistic interpretation of Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-Imran, facilitating contemplation of the Book of God, benefiting from its verses, and living with the Quran. It connects the Quran to the reality of people’s lives and is written in a clear and accessible style that combines authenticity with modernity, making it suitable for all segments of society.

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